
Tricks and Tips To Maintain Sobriety From Alcohol Or Drugs

The detoxification phase completed, adopting a lifestyle in abstinence is not an easy task and requires rigorous preparation. Here are 10 tips and tricks to help you continue your approach and fully embrace sobriety.

1. Set an abstinence anniversary date on your agenda

Writing down your goals makes them a reality and setting up an abstinence birthday can increase your chances of success. Registering an x for completion on each day spent without consuming will allow you to visualize your progress and appreciate your approach more.

2. Buy an object reminding you of your sobriety

Why not buy a ring, bracelet, or pay for a special manicure to remind you that your hands will no longer buy psychoactive substances. Instead, you will be doing what is best to improve your morale, self-esteem, confidence, and well-being.

Also check: suboxone doctors

3. Write and keep a list of the reasons why you stop consuming

What are your reasons for staying sober? “I don’t want to lose control of my life anymore.” “I don’t want to feel like I’m lacking anymore.” “I want to be active and healthy.” Cherish these reasons.

4. Memorize an eloquent thought that inspires you to maintain your sobriety

Memorize a prayer, such as serenity, a poem, or a quote that you can repeat to yourself in the most difficult moments. Remembering and reciting these kinds of thoughts can help you stay focused on the process.

5. Plan your sobriety and change your habits

Identify your old habits. If you start drinking after work or when you get home, replace this habit with another activity. Visit your family or a friend. These small changes will help you break the cycle of addiction.

6. Admit and keep in mind that there is nothing in the world more important than your sobriety

Maintain your decision not to consume, no matter what challenges you will encounter during the day (one day at a time). Your life depends on it and the people you love depend on it too. And you deserve it.

7. Avoid situations and places where you used to consume

Avoid hanging out with your old friends and drinking places to avoid any risk of relapse. Don’t do anything you don’t feel ready to do. If bars are the place where you used to drink, don’t go. If dinner at a certain friend’s house involves the consumption of a substance, postpone dinner to another time. Protecting your sobriety is all that is important to you. Take care of yourself! Don’t worry about anyone else other than yourself.

8. Respect your feelings

Cry when you feel the need, laugh when you can, eat when you’re hungry, and sleep when you’re tired. It may seem weird at first, but welcome your feelings. You haven’t allowed yourself to do it for a long time and you’re going to have to relearn it.

9. Enjoy the benefits of sobriety

Immerse yourself in a healthy, restful sleep instead of falling asleep every night only to wake up at 3 a.m. with an excruciating headache and unquenchable thirst. Find happiness in remembering the people you met the night before and the good time you spent together. Love yourself for who you are. Don’t punish yourself for what you’ve done before.

10. Reward yourself for not having consumed

Prepare gifts that a friend or family member can keep for you. When you have completed a day or a week of sobriety, get your gift. Share this moment with people you love and trust. When all else has failed, contact a treatment facility such as the Impact Recovery Center.

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