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Protein Deficiency in Women: 12 Common Signs

Protein is one of your body’s fundamental building blocks, so it’s natural to wonder whether protein deficiency symptoms can appear if you don’t get enough protein every day.

You may already be aware that protein helps you grow muscle and plays a key part in helping you feel full and satisfied throughout the day, but it does so much more than is commonly recognized. Protein is present in every cell in the body.

Thus, a shortage of protein in the diet might result in a variety of undesirable outcomes. But here’s the thing: A true protein deficiency is uncommon in the United States and other industrialized nations with access to a variety of food sources.

What is Protein?

We all know that amino acids, act as building blocks of life and these are composed of proteins. Enzymes, DNA, hormones, neurotransmitters, hair, blood, connective tissue, and, of course, muscle are all created using proteins and amino acids.

How Much is Required for a woman?

You should consume at least 10% of your daily calories from protein. You can multiply your weight in pounds by 0.36 to determine your aim in grams. And you want it throughout the day from a number of sources.

A tub of low-fat Greek yogurt for breakfast contains around 20 grams of protein, a serving of skinless chicken breast for lunch contains approximately 25 grams, and a cup of black beans for dinner contains approximately 15 grams of protein.

Signs of Low Protein in Women

These may include:

1. Mood Variations

A shortage of protein in your diet could prevent your body from producing enough neurotransmitters, which impact how your brain functions. Low amounts of dopamine and serotonin, for instance, may result in depressive or excessively aggressive feelings.

2. Weakness and Exhaustion

Protein eating delivers a great deal of energy to the body and can encourage increased physical activity. When insufficient amounts of this essential nutrient are digested, the exact opposite is unavoidable. Not only will you feel weak and exhausted, but you will also feel more lethargic than usual.

3. Skeletal Mass Loss

Dietary protein is an essential component for muscular growth. In the absence of this nutrient, the body begins to break down skeletal muscle for energy, resulting in a loss of muscle mass and, consequently, strength.

4. Bone Injuries and Fractures

The relationship between building bone density and muscle mass is close, as bones become stronger as muscle mass grows (as a way to meet muscular needs).

5. Swelling

One of the most prevalent indicators of a protein deficiency is swelling (also known as edema), notably in the abdomen, legs, feet, and hands. It is helpful to prevent the accumulation of fluid in your tissues.

6. Hunger

Protein reduces the “hunger” hormone ghrelin and boosts the synthesis of hormones that make you feel full. As a result, insufficient protein intake might stimulate hunger and lead to overeating.

7. Hair, Nail, and Skin Issues

Proteins consist of molecules such as elastin, collagen, and keratin. You may experience brittle or thinning hair, dry and flaky skin, and deep ridges on your fingernails if your body cannot produce them. Obviously, your food is not the only possible cause, but it is something to consider.

8. You are Constantly Bloated

Lack of protein can cause swelling in your abdomen, legs, and ankles.

Protein is necessary to keep a healthy fluid balance between the interior and exterior of cells.

9. Fatty Liver

Protein shortage indicates the issue of fatty liver or the buildup of fat in liver cells.

Uncertain as to why it develops in cases of protein insufficiency, research shows that a reduced synthesis of fat-transporting proteins known as lipoproteins may be a factor.

10. May Affect Body Growth in Children

Protein is important in creating bone density and muscle, but also for total body growth. Children must consume sufficient amounts of nutritious proteins to maintain normal growth.

11. Injury Healing is Poor

According to the study, an adequate amount of protein is required to heal and regenerate new cells, tissue, and skin, as well as for immunity. If you have an injury, a protein deficit could drastically impair your recovery.

12. You Cannot Concentrate

Without protein, neurotransmitters in the brain are unable to work properly. It indicates that you will have difficulty concentrating and will likely be quickly sidetracked.

If you show any of these indicators of protein deficiency, you should seek out ways to add additional protein to your diet. It shouldn’t be difficult given the abundance of protein powders and protein bars on shop shelves.


If you have a protein deficiency, your doctor may advise you to consume more protein-rich meals, such as:

  • Almonds, pistachios, cashews, and flax seeds are examples of nuts and seeds.
  • Legumes, such as lentils and beans, are legumes.
  • Eggs
  • Seafood, like fish or shrimp
  • Whole grains like quinoa
  • Poultry such as chicken and turkey
  • Dairy items, such as Greek yogurt and cottage cheese


Protein is not just necessary for bodybuilders and professional athletes, but for those of us who strive for a healthy lifestyle as well. The good news is that obtaining sufficient protein does not have to be excessively complex.

There are countless animal and plant-based protein sources available. By incorporating protein-rich meals into every meal, you are preparing the ground for mental and physical health.

Consult your nutritionist Doctor before starting any specific diet plan in order to avoid health complications.


1. How can I calculate my protein intake?

The total protein test is a straightforward, common blood or urine examination. It determines whether the body’s protein levels are normal or abnormal. Too much or too little protein might result in unexpected weight loss, exhaustion, or inflammation.

2. How can I speed up my protein intake?

Here are several strategies:

  • Consume your protein first
  • Munch on some cheese
  • Almonds should be sprinkled over food
  • Choose Greek yogurt
  • Take a protein shake for breakfast
  • Include a high-protein item in each meal
  • Select leaner, somewhat bigger meat slices

3. Is the protein in the blood a cause for concern?

High blood protein levels are not an illness or condition in and of themselves, but they may suggest the presence of a disease. Rarely does high blood protein alone create signs or symptoms. Occasionally, though, it is discovered by blood tests performed as part of an examination for another condition or symptom.

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