
How To Ask Customers To Review Your Products

How To Ask Customers To Review Your Products

You can control most things in your business, but you can’t control whether someone leaves a review for your product or not. That’s unfortunate because a solid customer testimonial can have a profound impact on your branding and sales figures. Still, there are things you can do to gently nudge paying customers toward producing a review. Below are some ways to reach out to your satisfied customers.

Via Social Media

Social media now gives us access to literally anyone in the world, including those who can leave a positive review about your product. It is the perfect place to ask for a product review for many reasons:

  • They will see your message instantly
  • They can respond quickly
  • They are more likely to review your request later
  • You know who is likely to comply
  • You can target users with prior reviews
  • You can target those with video reviews on Amazon
  • You don’t need to leave the office
  • You don’t need extra equipment

It can be said that social media is powerful enough to reach anyone in the entire world, making it your go-to channel for outreach.

After a Purchase

A great time to ask for a review is after the customer completes their transaction with you. As a physical retailer, you could ask through a verbal request, with a business card in their bag, or printing on the back of their receipt. For online purchases, consider placing a request on the thank you page directly after checkout. It will be the last thing they see before they leave your store, so it stays fresh in their minds.

On Your Website

Your website has plenty of touchpoints to spring the question about a customer review. A visitor will make their way from your homepage to an item listing, then toward your blog, to name a few places. You could leave notes requesting a review in return for a small reward. Once you have enough customer testimonials, you can take down the majority of them, and leave just the necessary ones remaining.

Through Email

Yes, you can email someone to request a review. The problem? You need their email first! Due to this stringent requirement, it’s best for established internet companies to put this into practice because the customer must enter their email address in order to receive a receipt. Along with the confirmation message, you could insert a section asking for a quick review of your product.

With a Phone Call

Phone calls are rare nowadays since people hardly pick up their phones due to the surge in spam callers. However, if someone does pick up on the other end, then you may proceed with administering a quick survey with a request for a product review. You should always start the conversation with a brief introduction about your identity and the purpose of the call, followed by a small incentive for completing the requested task. Always end the conversation with a cordial closing sentence.

As a Text

Customers will sometimes enter their phone numbers to get perks at your establishment. The phone number that they leave behind is your ticket to asking for a testimonial! A confirmation message regarding their order can also include a small section asking for an honest review. A minor incentive might get them to start reviewing rather quickly.

In Person

In-person business interactions are rare, but they do happen sometimes. You may meet with a customer at a convention, meeting, or other professional gatherings. Although it may not be the first thing on your mind, you could take the opportunity to request a personal review. Be sure to leave them your business card so they can contact you with any questions.

Customer testimonials have a lot of influence over the purchasing decisions of those around them. If you can manage to get a handful of them, your brand could receive a nice boost in reputation and earnings. The above tips can help you garner reviews that you didn’t think were possible.

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